Welcome to the HabboFurni API! This API provides access to Habbo furniture data across multiple hotels.
To use the API, you need to:
- Create an account if you haven't already
- Generate an API token in your account settings
- Include your token in the Authorization header of your requests:
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN
Base URL
Available Hotels
ID | Name | Domain | Language | Short Name |
1 | Habbo.com | habbo.com | en | .COM |
2 | Habbo Brasil | habbo.com.br | pt | .COM.BR |
3 | Habbo España | habbo.es | es | .ES |
4 | Habbo Finland | habbo.fi | fi | .FI |
5 | Habbo France | habbo.fr | fr | .FR |
6 | Habbo Germany | habbo.de | de | .DE |
7 | Habbo Italia | habbo.it | it | .IT |
8 | Habbo Nederland | habbo.nl | nl | .NL |
9 | Habbo Türkiye | habbo.com.tr | tr | .COM.TR |
10 | Habbo Sandbox | sandbox.habbo.com | en | Sandbox |
Available Endpoints
List Furniture
GET /furniture
Query Parameters:
- category (string, optional) - Filter by furniture category
- type (string, optional) - Filter by furniture type
- revision (string, optional) - Filter by revision
- search (string, optional) - Search in name, classname, or description
- per_page (integer, optional) - Results per page (default: 15, max: 100)
Get Single Furniture
GET /furniture/{classname}
List Categories
GET /furniture/categories
List Types
GET /furniture/types
Required Headers:
- Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN
- X-Hotel-ID: [hotel_id] (defaults to 1 if not provided)
- Accept: application/json
Response Format
{ "data": [{ "id": 40, "classname": "fireplace_armas", "created_at": "2024-09-01T00:40:51.000000Z", "updated_at": "2024-09-01T00:40:51.000000Z", "hotelData": { "id": 40, "classname": "fireplace_armas", "hotel_id": 1, "type": "room", "name": "Fireplace", "description": "Authentic and cozy.", "revision": 49500, "category": "other", "default_dir": 0, "xdim": 2, "ydim": 1, "part_colors": { "color": ["#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF"] }, "furni_line": "lodge", "environment": null, "rare": false, "icon": { "exists": true, "url": "https://habbofurni.com/furni_assets/49500/fireplace_armas_icon.png", "path": "49500/fireplace_armas_icon.png" }, "swf": { "exists": true, "url": "https://habbofurni.com/furni_assets/49500/fireplace_armas.swf", "path": "49500/fireplace_armas.swf" } }, "swf_data": { "animation_count": 4, "xdim": 2, "ydim": 1, "zdim": 1.56, "visualization": "furniture_animated", "logic": "furniture_multistate" } }], "hotel": { "id": 1, "domain": "habbo.com", "name": "Habbo.com", "language": "en" }, "meta": { "current_page": 1, "last_page": 732, "per_page": 15, "total": 10971 } }
Example Usage
curl -X GET "https://habbofurni.com/api/v1/furniture?category=rare&per_page=15" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN" \ -H "X-Hotel-ID: 1" \ -H "Accept: application/json"